Transforming the way in which the world learns.
Just as Netflix has transformed the way in which the world watches TV, DevClever has created the world’s first social and skills network that is transforming the way in which the world learns. An inter-connected and 360 degree educational eco-system that empowers young people to explore and learn, engages minds with content for educators and connects employers to their future workforce.
Who we are
DevClever is a software development company which was established in 2013. Since then, the business has made its mark on the EdTech sector that has a value of $181bn (2025) with an exciting approach to careers education.
Using immersive technology including VR, AR and gamification, we take young people on a journey of self-discovery, helping users identify career pathways and develop the skills needed to enter those careers.
Harnessing the power of educational content and development solutions, DevClever delivers immersive learning content to organisations across the world, enabling people to flourish in their chosen careers.
It’s a revolutionary way to promote careers and technical education to the workforce of the future, and to reduce the growing skills gap.
Our strong and successful performance over the last eight years has propelled the company into a leading position in the rapdily growing global EdTech market.

The DevClever Mission
At DevClever, we are creating a world in which young people can be inspired by the possibilities and opportunities available to them.
We are transforming the way we educate, train and prepare young people for the world of work before they leave formal education. We want every young person to aspire to a career and we help them develop skills that are in demand by future employers.
Our aim is to match students with their future employers, to help people thrive in the workplace and to bridge the skills gap.
The DevClever Portfolio
Launch My Career
Launch My Career uses virtual reality and self-discovery tools to engage young people in their career journey in a way that other online platforms cannot.
It carefully examines interests and personality type, then highlights careers they are most suited to. Further education, training and employment pathways are then revealed so a young person can instantly see the best pathway to achieving their career ambitions.
The National Careers Challenge
The National Careers Challenge encourages young people to participate in tasks set by real businesses in a Dragons’ Den style format. Students gain fantastic opportunities to develop the critical skills employers look for – such as communication, presentation skills, teamwork and leadership.
We are innovators,
builders and doers.
Chris Jeffries
Chris Jeffries
Chris is the founder and CEO of Dev Clever. He has significant experience in the digital sector working for media brands such as Capital and MMI. He has also worked in consultant roles in digital ventures specialising in facial recognition technology, educational applications, and digital legacies. He founded Dev Clever in 2013 and is the principal architect behind its career engine and other learning tools.
Nick Ydlibi
Nick Ydlibi
Nicholas is a chartered accountant and joined Dev Clever on a full- time basis in April 2018. Prior to this, he spent 25 years at Walgreens Boots Alliance, where he held several senior roles. He is responsible for controlling the day-to-day finances of Dev Clever and ensuring that the business delivers its financial goals.
Tim Heaton
Tim Heaton
Timothy joined Dev Clever in October 2019 as its Chief Operating Officer and was also appointed as an Executive Director of Dev Clever in May 2020. He has over 30 years’ experience in digital transformation businesses, developing products, and selling software as a service (SaaS) platforms globally.
Chantal Forrest
Chantal Forrest
Ankur Aggarwal
Ankur Aggarwal
Truett Tate
Truett Tate
Truett has had a distinguished and global career spanning five decades in predominantly banking and finance in highly regulated international environments. He has served on the Boards of Lloyds Banking Group PLC and was Chairman of Lloyds Development Capital (LDC). He most recently retired as Chairman of QBE NA – the insurance conglomerate and was previously CEO at the Australia New Zealand Banking Group (ANZB) for North America, Europe, Japan and Korea.
He currently serves as Chairman of Reference Point (Management Consultancy), The Ellig Group (Executive Search), Thinkably (Edtech) and TLC Lions (Corporate Culture Consultancy), as well as other academic, association and charitable institutions. Previously, he served with a number of large international businesses, including as Chairman of Arora International, the UK-based hotel and property Group and Board Member of Towergate and Virgin Group. Truett additionally holds positions on the Boards of several not-for-profit organisations/charities.